I am in the middle of restoring my TR6 from the ground up as well. I have a set of brand new triple Weber side drafts 40DC0E's sitting in my garage just waiting to go on :) I buy directly from Pierce manifolds in CA and save a grand :) Waiting on the Falcon stainless exhause system to arrive next. I can't wait!
I will post pictures of it eventually and create a restoration album. If you are ever in West Linn send me a message and maybe you can show me the Alfa :)
I cannot say enough good things about the Leica Q - this is a very tight crop (about 50%) of an ISO 800 exposure and the dedicated lens and sensor combination deliver a very rich and noise free image.
I have never been in the rooms on the upper floors but I can imagine it is amazing to actually look down to the plaza below from the room ...thanks for taking a look and commenting
Space is always at a premium in Japan - so politeness is also always necessary to get along. A few "excuse me" said usually does the trick - if not its time to order another beer and wait! hehe
I am in the middle of restoring my TR6 from the ground up as well. I have a set of brand new triple Weber side drafts 40DC0E's sitting in my garage just waiting to go on :) I buy directly from Pierce manifolds in CA and save a grand :) Waiting on the Falcon stainless exhause system to arrive next. I can't wait!
I will post pictures of it eventually and create a restoration album. If you are ever in West Linn send me a message and maybe you can show me the Alfa :)